The Most Dangerous Pests That Should Not Be Present In Your House


Few pests can prove life-threatening if not taken care of at the beginning. These dangerous pests can cause a lot of damage not only to your property, but also to human health and life. You can definitely set up a pest control plan to regularly monitor pest infestation. There are few species of pests who survive on other pests, which proves ecological. 

Following are few pests that can prove dangerous to humans:

  • Black Widow Spider

This is one of the most poisonous pests in the whole world. Its venom is 10 to 15 times more fatal than that of a rattlesnake’s. These spiders are very notorious and are famous for their venomous bites. When they bite, it causes a pin-piercing like and sharp pain. This pain is followed by a dull numbness in the bitten area. It produces extreme pain, muscle spasms and stiffness in your back, stomach, and chest and almost throughout the body. 

These spiders are not aggressive. They bite only when they feel defenseless.   

  • Paper Wasps

Some of the paper wasps are also known as umbrella wasps. This is due to a unique design of their nests. They will repeatedly sting you upon finding your presence as a threat to them. These wasps are not so aggressive alike their other counterparts. They normally run around their nests and chase their threat. When they find the threat nearing them, they stand erect and advance their wings. 

You can find their nests as open combs with cells pointing down. Their sting is extremely painful and cause fatal allergic reactions. If you get bitten by a paper wasp, clean the stung area with cold water and soap.

  • Ticks

These pests are normally available in the grass and lawn areas. These are parasitic in nature and are also addressed as blood-sucking pests. They latch mostly on animals and humans to extract blood. Blacklegged ticks carry Lyme disease and many other tick-borne diseases that are transmissible to humans. There is also a lot of skin irritation and itching in the bitten area. 

These pests breed normally in summers. One has to be extremely careful in this season and get checked by a doctor if bitten by ticks. 

  • Tarantulas

Tarantulas are often hairy and large in size as compared to the other spiders. They live underground and come out of their territory only for hunting. It is quite obvious to avoid such pests as all pests know how to defend themselves. This specie is most common in desert places such as Arizona, Texas and California. Some people keep them as pets, but pests are still never human-friendly. 

The species do not attack often, but when they bite as a result of defense mechanism, redness, swelling and muscle spasms occur.

  • Cockroaches

Big cities have a common problem of creepy cockroaches crawling up on the walls of almost every apartment. The thing is people get used to seeing such pests in the house. However, they can prove very harmful if they are allowed to roam freely across the dining areas. Roaches are considered dangerous as they can trigger allergies and asthma. These are bacteria carrying pests and cause food poisoning if left on food.

Roaches also carry diseases like dysentery, cholera, diarrhea, and typhoid. This is the reason why despite being so commonly seen almost every place; pest control is required to get rid of them.

To conclude, not all pests cause fatal allergies and diseases. It is recommended that you read about pests on different sites such as to take necessary actions accordingly.

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